
Thursday, July 31, 2008

sj and 4 of sjm in malay

sj boys in Malaysia for the MAA! best wishes to the boys and hope they take home the best boyband of asia award!! ^_^

though only 1211ermm.. not really sure how many of them boys arrived in malay! but gahh! geng oppa can't make it cause of the olympics.. and four of the sjm boys made it though! i wonder if mimi and henry are like w/ geng.. hope they are doing fine.. haven't heard of them lately.. aish~~ oh well!


sjm gif

just some sjm lol's!!
anyhoo! i love random sjm's candid pics!! (whos the player??? >_<)

i thought these were cute!! ^_^

lol! @ donghae!


and some more lol ! ..gahh! just cause i love heenim sooo frikkin much! =]
-you can see donghee oppa too! ^_^

chulie oppa~~ so cute!

minnie oppa~~ ish a pervie!! lol! joke! ^_^

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


anyways.. just finished watching the club7 interview..

i thought it was hella funny!
henry was the only person i can understand though XD
i love thai fans! why can't all of the fans be just like them!
love all the boys equally no greater than nor less than.
henry made me smile a lot! MOCHI YOU ONE HELLA CUTIE YOU! ^_^

and then this one.. soo frikkin funny!
siwon and hangeng! naughty oppa's!! lol! XD

it was a fancam from sjm 100th days where the boys has to put words and in the end siwon oppa has to complete it to make it a
sentence and it turned out to be this......

SIWON: I always close the door when I shower. I'm afraid of Han Geng. He's always looking at my body.

&& then he says this

SIWON: it's ok. i also look at his body. and it's pretty nice right now!

gahh!! naughty oppas! *tsk tsk* i still love you!!

who loves this?? i do.. his sooo cute!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

sjm will be in sj's 3rd album deal w/ it!

okk.. first off i've been spazzing on soo many comments lately..
specially how siwon said that "suju m will return to suju and make another album" i don't get it why soo many ignorant so called "only13" trying to make fuzz about it! so what if super junior and super junior m is collaborating and making a third album together? i don't get it why so many "wannabe elfs" are saying "oohhh.. this is going to be WWIII if ever the other 2 joining in the third album.." whatever!! how would you know that? just because they protested on the only13 campaign? and lately what is going on in the sjm thread.. i see stupid banners saying "sjmonly5" wtf?! so disrespectful even posting in there and having to let us see sjm supporters!! that's just plain rude.. you have your own only13 thread and we let you guys be.. leave the sjm thread alone.. or is it because your changing your mind on being only13.. gahh! i hope you do change your mind cause we all know SJM HAS ALL THE BEST GOODLOOKING BOYS!!

just me

haha! created a new blog.
gahh! i've been busy.. been posting in soompi lately that's why.
anyhoo.. this will be my new bloggy..
enjoy your stay!!